Originally published at: https://hornseacommunitynews.uk/sport/tanton-cup-2019-presentation-night/
THE TANTON Cup competition held their annual presentation evening on Saturday September 14 at Hornsea Indoor Bowls Club. The evening was hosted by President David Dean and Chairman Stuart Kemp and included a quiz and a Whiteheads fish and chip supper. Amongst the guests present where Dave and Heather Brocklebank, Ian McClane, the competition referees, appointment secretary and Philip Ashcroft the clubs general secretary. There were 10 teams competing in the quiz with the team ‘The four of us’ the winners. The team members of the winning team were Chris Raw, Mike Hainstock, Mike Davison and Eamon Mcnally. Stuart Kemp thanked David Dean, Geoff and all of the competition officials. Cheques for £500 and £400 respectively where presented to Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Hornsea First Aid Centre. Bob Smailes representing Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Rosie Bullard from Hornsea First Aid Centre were both very pleased to receive the cheques and thanked all present for a great evening.
Details of the competition’s AGM to be held in the new year will appear in future issues.
WINNERS: The four of us collect their quiz winningsDONATION: David Dean and Stuart Kemp present a cheque to Bob Smailes from Yorkshire Air Ambulance PRESENTED: David Dean and Stuart Kemp present a cheque to Rosie Bullard from Hornsea First Aid Centre