Originally published at: https://hornseacommunitynews.uk/community/south-prom-path-consultation/
Hornsea Civic Society and Lets Go Hornsea are inviting comments and expressions of support for this proposal, which is supported by Hornsea Area Renaissance Partnership (HARP).
Hornsea Civic Society and Lets Go Hornsea are proposing a new footpath along the South Prom. This would be a tarmac path along the top of the grass bank. This would mean people would have a sea view and also be separated from the traffic. There would also be seats and picnic benches, along with some planting of trees and shrubs. There would be safety railings adjacent to the road
The path would meander from Sands Lane to the public toilets at the boatyards. A path would lead from this, along the line of the existing path to the pumping station and then to the bridge over the Stream Dyke, to join the new car park. The section from the bridge to the pumping station would be wider, to accommodate bicycles which could use the pumping station road (already a public bridleway) and join Hornsea Burton Road.
Please write, e-mail or text to:
The Secretary
Hornsea Civic Society
17 Spring Field Close
HU11 5QP
07533 729173
[email protected]