Originally published at: https://hornseacommunitynews.uk/featured/skate-park-a-spectacular-success/
The new Skate Park in Hall Garth Park was officially opened on Saturday 26th May with huge numbers of eager skate boarders and scooter enthusiasts in attendance as well as sponsors and members of the Council. Councillor Angus Robinson, Chair of the Skate Park User Group (which has worked so hard to turn the dream into a reality), gave thanks to all concerned before the Mayor Keith Himsworth showed the youngsters the way forward by performing a stunning ‘sitting down’ skate board manoeuvre.
Also present for the day was the Active Sports team led by professional skateboarder and 3 times national Kick Boxing Champion Paul Regan. Paul, having grown up in Hornsea, is an original member of the Skate Park User Group and now, as part of Active Sports, coaches skateboarding and other activities all around the East Riding.
The Skate Park continues to attract young people in large numbers and is undoubtedly a valuable asset for the town. The only disappointing note is that several members of the public have been dismayed at the large amounts of litter that has already gathered at the site despite the fact that plenty of bins are available.
Councillor Robinson sent us this report of the day.
WOW; what a day!
After many years of work, the Team was able to view the result of their efforts. It started in 2000 with preparations for the first Skate Park. This was so popular that the ramps became worn out and a new Team convened to facilitate a replacement. Critical to this group were the Clerk to Hornsea Town Council, Councillors, two members of the original 'development group' and the Project Manager.We have all worked hard to achieve this new concrete Skate Park and were fortunate to choose a dry day for the official opening. Starting at midday the event was managed by ‘Active Sports’ a company owned by professional skateboarder, Paul Regan. Paul was one of the original ‘year 2000’ User Group and his company organised a full afternoon of skating activity with competitions for the various branches of wheeled sports that use the Skate Park. The list of winners is below.
The introductory comments by the User Group Chairman are available and can also be accessed, together with photographs, via the Town Council website and Facebook page:
Facebook page is:- https://www.facebook.com/HornseaTownCouncil/
Website address is:- www.hornsea.gov.uk
Councillor Keith Himsworth officially opened the Skate park and in doing so disregarded his age to join in the fun. Forgetting his first skate boarding experience, when he fell off and was taken to the hospital A&E, Keith excelled himself on this occasion by sedately cruising down a ramp to mark the open access for all who want to participate. At this point the Mayor invited the sponsors of grants to a reception in the Town Hall.
This is another of the projects delivered to the community by the Hornsea Town Council - in this case the cost was over £175 000. Most of this money was obtained from grants, not from the community rates, and I would like to again thank these benefactors who are:
- Tribune Trust
- Tesco Plastic Bag Community Fund
- Withernwick Wind Farm Community Fund
- The Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner
- Sport England
- Persimmon Housing, Commuted Sums Grant via the East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Paul Regan, from Active Sports, made his personal comments.
“It started over 15 years ago when we opened the first Skate Park in Hornsea and we’ve finally done it again after the last 3 years of hard work. I’m proud to say I was part of the first user group and still part of the current generation user group which helped to renew the Skate Park in Hornsea.The opening jam was a great success with over 60 people entering the competition from ages 5 years to 40 years old, There were over 300 spectators throughout the day, everyone seemed to enjoy it and it brought old faces back together which united in bringing a great vibe to the day. This was truly a testament to everyone’s hard work and the dedication which has gone into the project’ Well done to all involved but a special thanks go out to Angus Robinson, Dave Yeomans, Joanna Richardson (Hornsea Town Clerk) and Adrian Cleal who have put so much of their time and effort into the regeneration of this Skate Park. “
Winners of the event:
Best Trick Scoot – Jack Lyles
Best Overall Scooter – Dave Vages
Best Trick Rolleblade – Matt Watson (Original member of the 2000 user group)
Best Overall Rollerblader – Rich Breeds
Best Trick BMX – Kieran Rooms
Best Overall BMXer – Joe Foley
Best Trick Skateboard – Ben Waterson
Best Overall Skateboarder – Nathan Stapley
Based on the success of this opening event to celebrate the completion, the Town Council are exploring the possibility of holding future ‘open days’ later in the summer where the Skate Park users can enjoy coaching and competitions. Details will be posted later.