Originally published at: https://hornseacommunitynews.uk/community/planning-permission-updates-for-september/
Retrospective planning permission refused for The Park Care Home sign
A RETROSPECTIVE planning application by The Park Residential Care Home in Hornsea to display a lit sign has been refused.
The care home on Cliff Road made a retrospective application to East Riding Council for the display of the static, top lit sign at the front of their premises in June. The sign which is 1.19 metres high by 2.4 metres wide has been objected to by neighbouring properties, Hornsea Town Council and Hornsea Civic Society.
The refusal was decided at Eastern Area Planning Sub-Committee on Monday, September 2 following a request to take the decision to the committee by Councillor Barbara Jefferson to allow a full and open debate. The report of the Director of Planning and Economic Regeneration ahead of the committee meeting recommended the application was approved. The report conclusion stated: “The display of the signage at this site is considered an appropriate form of development. The scale, design, appearance, siting and illumination of the proposed signage is considered acceptable within this location and does not result in any adverse amenity or public safety or highway concerns therefore is considered to comply with the National Planning Policy Framework.”
The East Riding Council planning committee voted to refuse the application on the grounds that the signage is a form of advertisement stating: “Under Regulation 3 of the Control of Advertisement Regulations 2007 advertisements are only subject to control in the interests of amenity and public safety. Paragraph 132 of the NPPF states that the quality and character of an area can suffer when advertisements are poorly designed and sited. This approach is also reflected in Policy ENV1 of the ERLP which states that all development should contribute to safeguarding and respecting the diverse character and appearance of an area through their design, layout function and use. This policy goes on to state that new development should have regard to the specific characteristics of the site’s wider context and the character of the surrounding area; and have an appropriate scale, density, massing, height and material.” The committee decision to refuse the planning application highlights Cliff Road being predominately residential with few signs and adverts and this sign being out of keeping with the character and appearance of the area therefore causing harm to public amenity.
PLANNING REFUSED: Retrospective planning permission has been refused for The Park Care Home signNew planning application for a caravan and camping site at Cowden
A PLANNING application has been received by East Riding Council for a change of use from agricultural outbuildings and a dwelling to a touring caravan and camping site in Cowden.
The application at Southfield, Main Road, Cowden shows pitches for 30 touring caravans, a camping area, indoor recreation area with adjoining shower and toilet facilities and a site office.
The indoor recreation and store area will use one of the existing buildings with an extension for the shower and toilet facilities and the site office will utilise the other existing building. The house on the site would remain a home linked to the proposed site which the site owner proposes to occupy.
There would also be the addition of a static caravan between the buildings for use by the site manager. A new site entrance from the main road is also proposed as part of the plans with a security barrier and swipe entry system. A one-way system around the site will then use the current access as the exit.
The application claims: “The proposal will encourage tourism and contribute to the diversification of the local economy.”
Other planning decisions made
19/02461/PLF – Erection of two storey extension to rear and installation of 4 roof lights, single storey extension to rear and side following demolition of existing garage, erection of a porch to front, composite cladding to part front and side elevation, alterations to window at front and associated works at 6 Greenacre Park Hornsea – Approved
19/02465/PLF – Construction of a new bay window to front following removal of existing and bricking up existing window to side at Tresco, Westbourne Road, Hornsea – Approved
19/02303/PLF – Erection of a two storey extension to rear of Kingsfield House, Water Lane, Bewholme – Approved
19/02277/PLF – Erection of a detached dwelling with associated access at Land North Of The Arches, East Lambwath Road, Withernwick – Approved
19/02283/PLF – Erection of a detached garage (retrospective application) at Old Masters Cottage, 80 East Street, Leven.
New planning applications received
19/03146/AGNOT – Erection of an agricultural building to be used for the housing of cattle and storage at Land West Of Gundill Lane Track, Hornsea Road, Seaton, HU11 5RJ
19/02903/PLF – Erection of single storey modular building to side following partial demolition of existing outbuilding at Lugano 41 Clifton Street Hornsea
19/02839/PLF – Erection of two portable buildings, an extension for a kitchen store and side screen fencing to existing bin storage area and ‘Portable Building 2’ (Retrospective application) at Hornsea Garden Centre West Road Sigglesthorne.
19/02518/PLF – Siting of a container housing a 199kw biomass boiler with 6.5m high flue and associated feed hopper (Retrospective application) at Westfield Farm, Main Street, Catwick.
19/02552/PLF – Change of use from ancillary self-contained residential accommodation to dwelling at Land and Building, South of Mill House, 54 East Street, Leven.