Originally published at: https://hornseacommunitynews.uk/news/our-hospital-still-has-much-to-offer/
Hornsea Cottage Hospital held an open day on Saturday 11th August at which all members of the public were invited to have a look at the facilities, meet local healthcare providers and find out what services are on offer.
Visitors were greeted with music from Hornsea Ukelele Group and given the opportunity to meet an impressive selection of service providers before being served tea and biscuits by one of those providers, Dove House Hospice.
The first person I spoke to was Jessica Lonsdale- an NHS Health Trainer who has recently come to live in Hornsea. Her role is to be the first port of call for the new Community Links scheme being launched across the East Riding to offer support to adults with social, emotional or practical needs. These may include: health conditions, smoking, drug, alcohol and weight management issues, physical activity, social isolation, stress and anxiety, carer support, welfare support, sexual health and relationships. Anyone can book an appointment with Jessica either through their GP or by calling 0800 9177752 and she will help to devise a self-care plan as well as arranging access to the relevant services. She is available on Thursdays and Fridays.
Rebecca Morrell is also available at the hospital for 2 days a week as part of the Mental Health Response Service. Rebecca provides help and support to adults who are experiencing mental health problems following referral by their GP or via a direct assessment at Miranda House, Gladstone Street, Hull (Tel: 01482 301701 for an appointment).
Jo Stocks runs a drop in on Fridays from 1.30-4.30pm for anyone with drug or alcohol issues or for family members affected by these. Jo said that she receives a steady stream of visitors who she is usually able to help but that unfortunately numbers are on the rise, particularly in rural areas.
Other service providers present at the open day were: the Community First Aid volunteers, Living Well, Marie Curie, NHS Podiatrists and Diabetes consultants, Hull and District Diabetes Support Group, Sight Support and, of course, the League of Friends. The full list of services available at the hospital is as follows:
XRAY | City Health Care Partnership |
Physiotherapy | City Health Care Partnership |
District Nursing | City Health Care Partnership |
Wound Clinic | City Health Care Partnership |
Podiatry | City Health Care Partnership |
Children’s Speech & Language Therapy | Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust |
Adult Speech & Language Therapy | City Health Care Partnership |
ENT Clinic | Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals |
Audiology | Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals |
Orthopaedic Clinic | Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals |
Midwife | Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals |
Abdominal Aortic Artery Screening | Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals |
Active in Age | Social Group |
Alcoholics Anonymous | Support Group |
Health Visitors Baby Clinic & Child Health | Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust |
Children’s Orthoptist | Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals |
Neurology Children and Adults | Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals |
Clozapine Clinic Mental Health | Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust |
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies | Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust |
Dietitians | City Health Care Partnership |
Drug Dependency Clinic | East Riding Partnership |
Health Trainers for Health & Wellbeing support and Stop Smoking | Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust |
Alcohol and Drug - Substance Misuse Drop in clinic | East Riding Partnership |
Mental Health – Children, Adult and Older Adult | Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust |
MIND | Charity |
Psychology | Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust |
Retinal Screening | Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals |
Sexual Health | City Health Care Partnership |
Ultrasound | Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals |
Palliative Day Care | Dove House Hospice |
Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinsons Clinic | Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals |
Councillor Barbara Jefferson admitted that even she, despite her long involvement with the hospital, was pleasantly surprised by the astounding range of services on offer. She also expressed her desire that more people would come and use the excellent facilities so that there can be no more excuses for further closures. It appears that currently our GPs often refer patients to Beverley or Hull for services which could be carried out at our own hospital. Mrs Jefferson can’t understand why this is so but suggests that everyone asks their GP to refer them to Hornsea hospital whenever possible.