Meeting to Empower the Youth of Hornsea

Originally published at:

In recent years the Hornsea Town Council has a constructive record for responding positively to the projects requested by young people of the area and examples of such Youth Centred Projects are the Skate Park (versions 1 and 2) and the Youth Club. These projects have proved to be extremely successful, demonstrating that when supported by the experience of adults our young people can be very creative and quickly learn the meaning of social responsibility.

The Hornsea Town Council considers that it is important for young people to develop their skills and as a result of the recent youth generated projects they have come up with a new and exciting suggestion. The idea is to empower our children by formalising the decision making process and provide our youth with a structure that will enable them to research the needs and wishes of their peers, to identify the most appropriate schemes and then to give them (our young people) the wherewithal to achieve the wishes of the Hornsea and area children.

The inaugural meeting has been previously publicised and was held at the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, 18th July. In addition to our enthusiastic children the meeting was attended by members of the Town Council, Youth Club leaders, Parents, representatives of the Hornsea Carnival Committee and of the East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

Good progress was made with the young people organising themselves into a Management Committee that will meet formally. From this group they appointed the Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman. Mrs Richardson, the Hornsea Town Clerk, offered the use of office facilities etc. in the Town Hall and volunteered to be available to guide the process. The Young people then confirmed the name they have chosen for the group and outlined its aim.

The Management Committee said that they will be officially known as:

Hornsea Youth Ambassador Council

And they have given themselves the remit of:

Creating a new future for the youth of Hornsea

There then followed a general discussion about ideas and resources. The Carnival Committee will welcome the involvement of this new group when the 2019 Carnival is being planned and the representative from the East Riding of Yorkshire Council explained the mechanism of applying for funds for the schemes chosen by the Hornsea Youth Ambassador Council.

The first formal meeting of the new group will be in early August and their peer group will be invited to advise favourite projects for the Committee to consider and evaluate. Contact details for feeding in ideas will be published at a later date.

Issued by Angus Robinson

20th July 2018