HSLC Launches ‘Operation Poppy’

Originally published at: https://hornseacommunitynews.uk/schools/hslc-launches-operation-poppy/

In Conjunction with Hornsea Urban Gardeners (HUG) and with the approval of Hornsea Town Council, to celebrate the Centenary on the end of World War 1 ‘Operation Poppy’ is being launched in the form of a visual creative trail along Newbegin, beginning at St Nicholas Church and incorporating the bus shelter, the United Reformed Church and the Memorial Gardens.
This came about after HUG realised that there were no projects in Hornsea being organised to celebrate this occasion. With a great deal of help from Laura Field, the Head of Design and Technology and her students, who were thrilled to be involved, ‘Operation Poppy’ was born. There will be 2 beautiful yarn bombed remembrance displays the churches. The displays will include the iconic poppy with a modern-day twist. The final display will be made from wool, felt, and metal as well as some wooden poppies. The project has brought the young and old together through the love of crafting.
With the help of HUG the school managed to obtain a grant of £250 towards materials to use in creating what is hoped will be a fitting tribute. HUG volunteers Mary Myhill and Careen Rudzinsky have put a huge amount of effort into making the 100 peg crosses that will be placed in the Memorial Gardens.
Laura and her students are putting their hearts and souls into the project and hope to have the trail in place and available for all to see from November 1st until after Remembrance Sunday. There will also be a window display at Full Cycle on Cliff Road. Please walk the trail and enjoy all the wonderful work of students and community members