Originally published at: https://hornseacommunitynews.uk/community/hornsea-first-aid-centre/
The Grand Opening occurred on Wednesday 9th May, 3 months from the first time the idea of a First Aid Centre was muted. Tina, the Vicar, blessed it and Anne Padgett, then Mayor, opened it. We staffed it for the day and had 6 patients in that time, many well wishers and some enquiries. We had planned to be open from then on but due to unforeseen circumstances we had to close until later in May.
St Nicholas Church paid for the Portacabin, for which a deposit had been paid by the Civic Society. The delivery was arranged by Hornsea’s own Bike Event Bikers and the Portacabin was duly settled in Tesco car park.
The Portacabin is divided in to 2 parts, Meet and Greet, and First Aid Treatment area. Volunteers moved in and painted the inside making it much cleaner and more cheerful looking – not an easy job painting on metal!
Again our wonderful Bikers arrived and Chris proceeded to build a ramp for access with wheelchair and pushchairs, Alan put up shutters on the windows for protection and they all turned up for the grand Opening.
Rotary have funded our First Aid Room – couch, trolley and other bits and pieces. Tesco have provided a telephone and the cost of a metal First Aid cabinet not to mention hosting our opening, tea, coffee, etc each day.
Yorkshire Kitchens are putting in some cupboards, which should be ready this week, and Yorkshire Medical Services (Hull) Ltd have supplied our bandages etc. They also are committing themselves to the rota to help cover the centre.
Our Volunteer First Aiders complete their training on Saturday during the Royal Wedding and will be ready to commence work.
Anyone wishing to volunteer as a meet and greeter, driver, or First Aider, please get in touch with:-
Rosie 07703166422 or Anne 07967 949733 [email protected] or [email protected]
Or call into the Portacabin in Tesco Car Park.