Health Service and Traffic News

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Health Service

At a full meeting of Hornsea Town Council, Councillor Mrs Barbara Jefferson, who sits on the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee at the East Riding of Yorkshire Council, explained that there had been a presentation by the CCG regarding the Future of General Practice and how it would Stabilise and transform services for the future.

A Sustainability and Transformation package of more than £500 million has been secured to support struggling practices, develop the workforce, tackle workload and encourage care and redesign. A new funding formula will better reflect practice workload, including deprivation and rurality.

As of October 1st it is intended that patients will have extended hours covered between 6.30 - 8.00 pm (Monday to Friday) and 9.00 am to 12.00 noon Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays. This is to ensure that patients have access to sufficient routine and same day appointments at the evening and weekend.

Councillor Jefferson said that it was a big ask but this would be so helpful for people who find the appointment system difficult if they wish to be at work during the day and see their Doctor later in the evening. She is hopeful that Hubs of General Practices will work together to achieve this outstanding idea.

Traffic News

Councillor Jefferson had further information for her fellow Councillors regarding the proposed experimental right turn ban from Southgate into Newbegin in Hornsea.

After receiving many requests from residents and other interested parties over several years to reduce the traffic queues and delays generated by this junction, the East Riding of Yorkshire Council had agreed to trial an experimental order. A Prohibition of Right Turn (from Southgate into Newbegin ) for 10 hours daily 7 days a week will be in place for three months. The probable start date is July. Full consultation will take place with Hornsea residents and businesses during this time to then decide if the experimental order should be made permanent.

We received the following letter from ERYC which fully explains the decision:

"Re: Market Place/Newbegin signals, Hornsea - Experimental right turn ban

Further to our correspondence in 2016 regarding traffic congestion in Hornsea, please see below details of the experimental right turn ban we will be trialling at the above signals and the work undertaken leading to this.

The decision to trial an experimental right turn ban on all days over the spring-summer month at the signalised junction of Market Place/Newbegin/Southgate has been considered over a period of time. This was instigated after we received a number of complaints over the last two years about the congestion in the centre of Hornsea and whether anything can be done with the traffic lights.

Consideration was first given to replacing the signals with a mini roundabout however there is insufficient space to accommodate turning movements and visibility requirements. Such an arrangement would also be detrimental to pedestrian crossing movements. Consideration was also given to a request to remove the pedestrian stage from the signals and installing zebra crossings instead but zebra crossings should not be installed beside a signalised junction as the conflict of control methods increases the potential for collisions with crossing pedestrians.

12-hour surveys were carried out in school term time on a weekday and at weekends and during school holidays on a weekday and on the Bank Holiday weekend to review traffic flows and congestion through this junction and through Market Place.

The surveys suggested that the banned right turn can reduce some congestion but in turn can lead to increased congestion at the Westgate/Eastgate roundabout, as more circulating traffic delays traffic from Seaton Road and Atwick Road. Some of the current Southgate/Market Place traffic may also divert elsewhere around the surrounding road network, past people’s homes, a school and a hospital rather than queue twice at the same signals. As there may be problems as well as benefits to the people of Hornsea, the East Riding of Yorkshire Council is neutral as to whether we should ban the right turn all week.

Whilst there are insufficient resources to undertake a full impact assessment across the Hornsea road network an experimental traffic regulation order is proposed to be trialled during the summer months so that the Town Council and the people of Hornsea can see how it operates and decide whether they want it as a permanent solution over the spring/summer months each year. It is for this reason that the Town Council have voted to fund the experimental order.

We are consulting with statutory consultees and as part of the legal process the experimental order will be advertised on the Council’s website and in the local press. During the trial, the Town Council will deliver questionnaires for residents and business owners in Hornsea to have their say on their experience(s) of the impacts of the order and whether they want it to be made permanent or whether they want it to be changed back so that the ban only operates as it does at present; 9 am-5 pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays, Good Friday to end of September. The final decision on future signals operation will be made by agreement between Hornsea Town Council and the East Riding of Yorkshire Council, based on consultation feedback.

Kind regards

Steven Murray Beng (Hons), Engineer | Traffic and Parking Team Tel: 01482 393939"