First Aid Centre brings Community Together

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On Saturday 22nd September a beautiful new mural was unveiled at the Community First Aid Centre. It consists of 20 square pieces all designed, painted and put together by members of Hornsea Art Society. This is just the latest display of solidarity with the volunteers who are giving up their time to help people in need. The First Aid Centre came about due to the closure of our Minor Injuries Unit and since opening in May it has attracted support from all sectors of the community. The First Aid Centre is rapidly becoming another success story to rival the Floral Hall and both are shining examples of how a community can respond to cutbacks in services by pooling our own resources and being united.
We publish here the speech given by Rosie Bullard at the unveiling of the mural which paints the full picture:
Hornsea First Aid Centre
Hornsea First Aid Centre came about because of the closure of Hornsea MIU. The then Mayor, Anne Padgett, called a meeting to discuss the closures taking place in Hornsea. A First Aid Centre was suggested and the support was overwhelming. Anne and Rosie set about looking for premises, very difficult, and then a Porta-cabin was suggested. The Civic Society paid a deposit and St Nicholas Church bought the porta-cabin for us. The delivery was facilitated by the Bikers – and The Bikers then built a wooden ramp to make it easier for people to get to the door. Some people may have noticed that the ramp had some bits missing recently – this was due to a lady on a mobility scooter backing into it and a helpful vicar making it fall apart whilst trying to remove a nail sticking out of it. The ramp has now been repaired and the errant Vicar, fully qualified in First Aid, working her hours in the cabin!!!
The cabin was slowly furnished with donations. Rotary paying for the First Aid Room equipment. Yorkshire Kitchens supplied our cupboards and fitments, which had to be built to a specific size.
Donations were received from the Ex Servicemen’s club, the family of Doreen Orgmantroyd, and David Pratt, to help with costs. Other bits and pieces were begged stolen or borrowed and Yorkshire Medical Services Hull, bought our first set of consumables and we were set to go.
13 First Aiders were trained to add to the 6 of us already trained and meet and greeters came along, seven of whom have now trained to be First Aiders. All are level 3 or above. All Volunteers also are DBS checked and have training in Prevent and Safeguarding of children.
The Centre is open 7 days a week from 10am – 4pm. At least 2 people, one or both a fully qualified First Aider will be on duty at these times.
We opened on May 9th, then closed as the cabin was not finished and reopened at the end of May 2018 and in those 2 weeks had 34 patients. Our numbers increased throughout June to 72 and as people learned we were there they increased even more, so that in July we had 110. In the first week of August we had 50 patients – not easy with only 6 hours per day. August calmed down and finished with having seen just over 130 patients.
Sponsors have been good to us and recently Freeport (Simon Tudor) donated our lovely warm fleeces and Signs and Graphics (Mark Elvin) donated the embroidery. So we are nice and snug and warm, and know who we are. Longbeach Caravan Park ran a race night for us, raising over £1000, and a good night was had by all!!
The changes to the porta cabin are almost done; we have gas, and water, but no heating or lighting, so it gets cold and dark in there, and is going to get even colder.
Many of our patients get back to us to say how they are getting on, and to thank us. Cards, chocolates, apples, plums and even bottles of wine and whisky, makes its way into our cabin, although Chris takes the wine and whisky for her tombolas. Knitted teddies sit happily in their basket on the desk and regularly increase in number and colour, courtesy of Daphne. These Teddies just as regularly leaving us in the arms of some small loving child and their siblings.
We have a direct line to Beverley Urgent Care Centre and a good relationship with them. We have been quite proud to have been told on several occasions that they would not be able to do more than we have done or that we are or have been correct.
I have been surprised at the amount of consumables we use each month and the costs involved. In July/ August £200-250per month, but now, I think it is easing off to around £100/£150 month.
I need to mention The League of Friends who have given their support throughout and even more so now, having just handed me a cheque for £1000.
Finally, Tesco – wonderful, we would be nowhere without them. They have given a space in their car park, a telephone, coffee and tea, biscuits, ice, use of their facilities and so much more.