Fill Your Boots with Music and Art

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There is a veritable feast for music and arts lovers in Hornsea this month, beginning with the annual Hornsea Music Festival in which talented young musicians from all around the region come to compete for prizes in the various categories. You will be able to watch them perform from 4th to 7th July at the following venues:

Centre 4- Methodist Church Hall, Newbegin,
Centre 5- United Reformed Church, New Road/Cliff Road corner
Centre 6- Floral Hall, Esplanade
Centre 7- Parish Hall, Newbegin
Centre 8- St Nicholas Church, Newbegin.

You can purchase a full programme from Quick and Clarke in the Market Place.

Hot on the heels of the Festival on July 8th is a treat for fans of Freddy Mercury with the ‘Kings of Queen’ tribute band appearing at the Bowls Club on 8th July to raise funds for the Arts Festival. Next up is ‘Music in the Park’ on Carnival Friday with a selection of great local bands. The live entertainment continues, as always, throughout Carnival weekend. See page 8 for more details. If you still haven’t had enough after that there’s plenty more live talent to be found in many of our pubs, bars and clubs.

Art Festival Update

Meanwhile the very first Hornsea Art Festival is now just a few weeks away. The workshops have been well supported and several of them are now full, though there are still a few places left at the following, so there is still time to apply:

Monday 23 July: Cath Inglis: Soft pastels
Tuesday 24 July: Jake Attree: Towards abstraction
Wednesday 25 July: Rob Wareing: A portrait in oils
Thursday 26 July: Andrew Farmer: Portrait in charcoal
Monday 30 July: Geoff Hewitt: Painting figures in oils
Tuesday 31 July: Rachel Crawford: textile art
Wednesday 1 August: Heather Burton: Knife painting in acrylics

The excellent annual art exhibition of Hornsea Art Society at the Masonic Lodge is open from 24th july to 4th August showcasing the best work of our local artists and is well worth a visit.