Originally published at: https://hornseacommunitynews.uk/news/award-for-community-first-responders/
Hornsea’s volunteer Community First Responders have won the most prestigious award granted by the Chief Executive Officer of Yorkshire Ambulance Service.
The team’s efforts were brought to the attention of the Chief Executive by local man David Pratt who had suffered a cardiac arrest in Newbegin earlier this year. Fortunately, one of the Off duty First Responders, Carol Tharratt, was close by when this happened and alerted other off duty team members, working close by. Between them they managed to resuscitate Mr Pratt and then keep him alive until the ambulance arrived. Mr Pratt was so grateful to the team for saving his life and so impressed with the work that they do, that he resolved to seek recognition for their efforts.
These efforts also include the setting up and manning of the new Community First Aid Centre which is proving to be an invaluable service with over 50 people per week being helped during the summer holidays. Volunteers report that at times queues have been forming at the Portacabin and they are now wondering whether another unit may be needed. Meanwhile there are two beautiful rooms which were formerly the Minor Injuries Unit standing empty at the hospital. Perhaps one day common sense will prevail!
More volunteers are needed to help cover more hours and training can be given. Anyone who would like to become a volunteer can visit the First Aid Centre or contact Rosie on 07703166422 or Anne 07967949733