Originally published at: https://hornseacommunitynews.uk/food-and-environment/alternative-therapy-taster-day-at-kelpies-bowen-kinesiology-and-fermented-foods/
Top local therapists Heather Downs and Jo Huntsman will be offering free sampler sessions of their treatment at Kelpies on Saturday March 10th. Plus- Rachel from Loaded Table will be offering free samples of her delicious pro-biotic fermented food. Come to Kelpies on Bank Street on Saturday 10th March!
Total mind and body treatments
“Anchored in anatomy and physiology and therefore positively affects function and structure. Each therapy has different strengths and applications.”
Saturday March 10th 09:30am to 1.30pm Meet your local therapist Heather Downs MSc.
For your free 20 minute intro at Kelpies just select a time and sign up at the desk. There’s info about Heather’s work and client testimonials here at www.bowenforall.uk and
“My prime purpose is to bring about whole body, mind and spirit healing through user centred therapy techniques. These include Bowen, Zen Shin Katsu (Lincs) Reiki and GP referral Tai Chi for Well Being. Clients often benefit from combining treatments with Tai Ch forms and Qi Gong breathing techniques” HD
Note: The Kelpies Intro Sessions are for information and don’t replace medical care or the benefits of a full treatment session which usually takes about an hour and is held at Jamie Hairdressing Treatment Room on Newbegin, Hormsea. Home visits are available for those unable to travel.
For further information or to book a full session contact Heather on 07765 473 902 email: [email protected] and mention Kelpies for £5 off the first session.
Heather is available to deliver talks and demonstrations in Bowen, ZSK (lincs) and Tai Chi Chuan. Call to discuss arrangements.
Bowen, ZSK (Lincs) and Reiki can be used to address many different conditions and imbalances from symptoms such as asthma, IBS, sciatica, trapped brachial nerves, mother and baby, misaligned jaws, migraine, reflux, to feelings of being anxious, sleepless or low self esteem.
Heather adopts a User Centred Approach, ensuring each client is involved and informed of how treatments may improve their health concerns. Be it fascia centred, meridian acupressure application or working with universal energies. A means can be found to help.
If you are “curious” book your 20 minutes at Kelpies on March 10th.
Kinesi What?
Kinesiology (pronounced kin easy ology)
“The use of the body’s biofeedback system to discover what it needs for good health and well-being using muscle testing”
Saturday March 10th 1.30 til 4.30 for your free 15 minute intro
Kinesiologist Jo Huntsman at Kelpies just select a time and sign up at the desk.
There’s info about Jo’s work and client testimonials here at
“The starting point of my work is a total belief in our body knowing what we need to be well and happy and fortunately with biofeedback we can ask what it is.” JH
Note: The Kelpies Intro Sessions are for information and don’t replace medical care or the benefits of a full Kinesiology session. This usually takes about an hour and fifteen minutes and is held at Jo’s Treatment Room in Cherry Burton, or via Skype for those unable to travel.
For further information or to book a full session contact Jo on 07769512427/[email protected] and mention Kelpies for £5 off the first session.
There is no doubt about it trying to explain energy medicine is a tricky business! So, Jo Huntsman is offering a series of taster sessions at selected venues through East Yorkshire – Kelpies among them.
Kinesiology can be used to address many different conditions and imbalances from symptoms such as asthma, migraine, digestive disturbance, to feelings of being anxious, sleepless or feeling ‘not enough’”
The health model we use is one in which the ideal is being healthy and happy and the discovery and resolution of blocks resulting reactions to substances (including foods, house-hold cleaners, personal care products etc) or reactions to events and patterns from the past such as the loss of loved one or companion animal.
If you are ‘kinesiology-curious’ book your 15 mins at Kelpies on March 10th.